Connecting Shopify to the Last Mile - CIGO
A Shopify merchant recently asked me to hook their store up to CIGO. I had no idea what CIGO was but after a brief web search I came to the CIGO and quickly learned how it works. In a nutshell it lets a merchant organize their sales so they can dispatch drivers to deliver what they sell, perfect for online businesses that serve a local clientele. This service sells groceries to a local client...
An Unusual Shopify Fulfillment Pattern
A merchant recently ordered up a fulfillment App for his Shopify stores selling various items based out of Australia. The standard pattern I use was in order whereby an App polls for new orders booked in the shops twice daily, parses the orders and then rewrites them in a format suitable for the third-party logistics company to perform the actual fulfillment. The IT company in question prompted me...
A New Feature in the Kitty
It has happened too many times for me to stand by idly so I finally did something about it. A subscriber to the Shopify App Transparent Kitty would call me and ask me this very specific question. Why can I not see the vendor(s) in the App when I just added them to my shop? The answer came to me quickly as I found the answer to that question after the first time it was asked. A vendor is not...